hmmm. i am super tired after work. but i wanna tire myself out even more so that i dun dream. cos everytim i dream, i get nightmares. of u. promise.
i have pushed u far away. yet u bug the fuck outta me. i hate this. and i guess it wun take me long to go down the hate-road towards u.
i am eagerly awaiting 2008. i have so many thing to do and i just pray all will materialise. yupz. sch, work, dance, paatu, and wat not - enuff to keep mt occupied, outta danger and a single bird. frankly i dun wan any responsibilities to tie me down. except for all that i have to serve my family, i guess i take no liabilty in anyone else's life anymore.
btw i am feeling gd. and a lot lot better. its been lovely 'waking' up after shit six months and its even more lovely to wake up in the afternoons! (mum i hope u understand this). damn i am nvr a morn person. if only the day begin at 12 p.m.
well well shree better go now. and i rmbr my four new yr resolutions.
1. W*****
2. S*****
3. M****
4. better grades