love makes and love breaks.
its funny how the intangible always take precedence in our lives.
well anyway,
i am in mum's place now. came for dad's prayers. the boys were such brats really. but cute. cute. cute.
i just wonder. why is it so easy for one to deviate from wat is to be done? its kinda silly and yet really sucky to know that u've just sidetracked and start pushing urself back on track.
it sucks. i have a philo essay due in 17 hrs and i have only prepared for it. gotta type it out and that means staying up the whole nite to do it. sighz. now ask me again why i am blogging?? i cant get my mind to start it. damn i am super tired.
this festive season is taking its toll on me. does not quite help that my mum is overly-enthu abt getting the house done. and i cant quite be too blase abt it right? and this only means by the time thurs comes, we all are dead-tired;fatigue-shot.
i have random thoughts running thru my head. and most of them is usually abt u. abt wat has happened. what is happening. and what is gg to happen. i m positive. and hopeful. every minute.
well life always takes shock trips and smtimes even unexpected short ones. to places whr we least expect to go to. and when our hearts takes a roadtrip, its bloody difficult to turn back. and to act as though u din go there in the first place is even more difficult. and yupz. and all that nonchalence and ignorance will get u no whr. but give u more and more heartache. and unpleasant stuff to face.
and so u see. being all ignorant and acting as though ur heart did not flutter is just being silly.
well enough of all these blogging. i gotta go back and screw my head with descartes.
விட்டு விடுதலையாகி நிற்பாய் இந்தச்
சிட்டுக் குருவியினைப் போலே
-mahakavi bharathiyaar